Art Nouveau House

New year New obsession! I thought my previous dollhouse was a one and done but apparently that is not how obessions work LOL I recently splurged on a laser cutter and it meant some of my really intricate design ideas became suddenly within reach!

I have always love the Art Nouveau movement and my head was busting with ideas so I gave in to the urge and started a new build

I am trying to create all the furniture in real cherry wood and not paint. Heres a sneak peak at early efforts

Art Nouveau Chairs

Room by Room Updates Here

I sketch my design on paper first then recreate in a vector format using Illustrator. I then separate the colors for where I want cuts vs engraving etc. At this point I save as an SVG file and it is ready to go to the laser cutter. Its kinda fun watching it bring your creation to life.

Art Nouveau Bed and Armoire

Although each of these are designed specifically for my dollhouse, it seems crazy to put all that work in for one bed or two chairs so I am considering offering them as kits for other mini enthusiasts to build. Let me know if that would be of interest to anyone

I also recently discovered the joys of fabric printer paper so instead of scouring the internet looking for just the right fabric in a tiny enough scale for my projects, I create whatever design I want and print it out to size. Just like the pink fabric on the chairs to the left. Game changer for me – don’t know what took me so long to figure it out LOL

Anyway I hope you will follow along with me as I build this house and all its contents

XOXO Shelley



Shelley Armstrong

Shelley Armstrong been an artist and designer her entire life. From Ireland originally, where she had her own small graphic design agency, she then moved to the US and began her corporate career as a UX designer in games and software. She has always maintained creative outlets that feed her soul such as sketching, painting in both oil and water color, jewelry design and now making miniatures


The Folly

Art Nouveau House

La Maison Tordue

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