The Folly

Château de Morsan, one of the few remaining folies in France. It was originally built around 1760 as a hunting lodge by the Marquis de Morsan. The architect was Ange-Jacque Gabriel who was also the architect of the petit Trianon at Versailles. A couple saved the abandoned dwelling and embarked upon a 10-year restoration dedicated to preservation of the architectural integrity of the era. I think they are living my dream life LOL

I saw the photo of the exterior online and fell in love….

After recreating the facade in Illustrator, I cut out the exterior walls with my glowforge and set to work.

Inspiration & Illustrator

I will chart the room by room progress here – might be a little slow since I am juggling too many projects. This working for a living is really getting in the way of my hobbies 🙂

Think of this as a companion to La Maison Tordue. It is so interesting how royalty frequently had a “smaller and simpler” place for getting away from the craziness of court. I guess their version of a man cave or she shed LOL.

I imagine this as a place for lady Anastasia and her close friends to spend relaxing time together

might be a dining room – haven’t decided yet

Room by Room

First Floor
Great Room
Smaller Room

Second Floor
Dining Room
Seated Area

Third Floor
Dressing Room





Shelley Armstrong

Shelley Armstrong been an artist and designer her entire life. From Ireland originally, where she had her own small graphic design agency, she then moved to the US and began her corporate career as a UX designer in games and software. She has always maintained creative outlets that feed her soul such as sketching, painting in both oil and water color, jewelry design and now making miniatures


The Folly

Art Nouveau House

La Maison Tordue

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